Brigitte Delthony's Ceramics Workshops



Brigitte offers workshops in the art of
"Primitive Pottery" at her studio-gallery
outside Escalante, Utah.

Brigitte's main focus is on 3-5 day Primitive
Pottery Workshops. The workshops are
usually 7 hours a day, from 9-noon and
1-4 pm. Informal hikes to local points of
interest are also possible as well as finding
inspiration in the stone maze and vegetable
garden located on the 20 acre property.

Workshops can be arranged for groups
of five or more... please inquire about
specifics. Workshops for children, adults or
groups with special needs can be arranged.



May 12-14, 2017
July 21-23, 2017
September 22-24, 2017

These weekend workshops are designed to give an introduction to the art of pottery making as it was practiced by prehistoric Indian cultures. The
workshops will provide information on preparing
clay, constructing and decorating pots and will
offer the possibility of firing the finished

Using prehistoric techniques, the participants will
process clay and temper, use puki to construct
different types of pots, prepare a self-made yucca
brush, and decorate the pottery with organic and
mineral paints.

For information and registration, please email.


Inquire about other workshop dates and evening art activities for visitors in her studio



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Copyright 2004, Sculptured Furniture, Art and Ceramics